1. Starting with the End in Mind
What is a portfolio and why does it matter?
Top 3 things every portfolio needs
Clarify and define your vision
Examine and evaluate your work
Defining your motivation
Setting specific goals
2. Creating a Road Map for Success
Nobody pays for a portfolio
5 stages of development
Make your own road map
3. Developing a Personal Brand
Finding the right fit
Building a mood board
What is your brand's point of view?
Developing a manifesto or mission statement
Importance of a bio
4. Website Foundation
Finding a domain name
3 ways to build a website
Survey of popular portfolio platforms
Buying a domain name
Creating a visual identity and the power of iteration
Visual identity resources
5. A Primer on Building the Website Portfolio
Building a website can be intimdating
Creating a visual identity in Photoshop
Batch processing layer comps
Preparing the images in Lightroom and Photoshop
Building the portfolio website
Finishing the portfolio website
Launch strategy
6. Increasing Your Online Presence
Simple and effective Instagram strategies
Sharing and showcasing your work on social
7. Expanding Your Business with Print
The value of the printed portfolio
Print and promo cards
Portfolio review and revision
Next steps