Previewing the final project
About the exercise files
What you should know
A look at the beginning project
1. Creating the Graphics
Creating the banner and background graphics
Creating the content graphics
2. Creating the HTML Email
Setting up the base layout structure
Styling the table row for the logo
Styling the table row for the headline
Styling the table row for the banner and content
Styling the table row for the promos
Styling the table row for the callouts
Styling the table row for the footer
3. Creating Buttons with HTML and CSS
Styling anchor links as buttons
Creating a call-to-action button
4. Adding CSS to the Email
Adding CSS media queries to your HTML email
Styling the headline and banner for smaller screens
Styling the content and footer for smaller screens
Styling the promos for smaller screens
Rearranging the callouts for medium screens
Stacking the callouts for small screens
5. Pushing the Envelope
Adding inbox preview text
Adding animation to your HTML email
Using web fonts with your HTML email
Adding HTML5 video into HTML email
Encoding and embedding Base64 images
Using high-definition graphics in your HTML email
6. Validation and Testing
Validating your HTML code
Testing your email in 30+ HTML email clients
Suggestion for Yahoo! Mail incompatibilities
Suggestions for BlackBerry 5 layout correction
Suggestion for supporting Lotus Notes 6.5, 7, and 8.5
Exploring alternative layouts
Where to go from here
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