Who is this course for?
1. Responsive Images: An Introduction
How images on the web work
How responsive images work
New attributes and terminology for responsive images
2. Making Responsive Images Work with Picturefill
What is Picturefill?
Adding Picturefill to your site
Testing to make sure Picturefill works
3. Making Regular Images Responsive
When to use responsive images with the <img> tag
Preparing images for responsive display
Introducing srcset and w
Using srcset and w
Introducing sizes
Using sizes
Advanced layouts with srcset and sizes
Targeting resolution density with x
4. Responsive Images for Art Direction
Introducing the <picture> element
Identifying breakpoints and layout changes for your images
Preparing images for <picture> element
Using the <picture> element
Challenges with responsive images in art direction
5. Beyond Traditional Image Formats
Using the <picture> element for image type fallbacks
Going Further
Responsive images are part of the new world of RWD
(10.4 MB)