React + API + AWS = The new web
Using the exercise files
1. React as the Front-End of an Ecosystem
React is a technology, not an environment
Set up your React environment
Deploy your React app
Connect your code to GitHub
Add AWS support with Amplify
Challenge: Update your local application and deploy to AWS
Solution: Update your local application and deploy to AWS
Get a basic website up and running
2. Build React Components to Render Structured Data
Build a site based on structured data
Organize your app with components
Challenge: Build a menu based on dynamic data
Solution: Build a menu based on dynamic data
Use JSON as a Mock for Dynamically-Loaded Data
Load JSON as data in your React component
Challenge: Convert your components to use dynamic data
Solution: Convert your components to use dynamic data
Always be deploying
3. Use DynamoDB for Simple Data Storage
Download and install the AWS Command Line Interface
Set up an AWS IAM user
Configure the AWS CLI
Install the AWS SDK
Create a DynamoDB table
Challenge: Add DynamoDB tables for other components
Solution: Add DynamoDB tables for other components
Load data into DynamoDB using the AWS console
Load single-value data into DynamoDB programmatically
Load multi-value data into DynamoDB programmatically
4. Load Dynamic Data into React Components
Create a role for Lambda and DynamoDB access
Load DynamoDB data from a Lambda function
Test your Lambda from AWS
Challenge: Write Lambda functions for all tables
Solution: Write Lambda functions for all tables
Create an API Gateway
Create a GET endpoint for services
Deploy your API Gateway to a new stage
Validate your endpoint is dynamic
Challenge: Add more endpoints to your REST API
Solution: Add more endpoints to your REST API
5. Connecting React to an API
Add a React Hook and a state variable
Create a side effect with the useEffect Hook
Request data from an API Gateway
Update CORS headers for your application
Challenge: Finish the Landon Hotel API calls
Solution: Finish the Landon Hotel API calls
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