DynamoDB: A database that doesn't use SQL
1. Creating a New DynamoDB Database
NoSQL, RDBMS, and other important database acronyms
Create a table (and not a database)
Challenge: Enter sample data into DynamoDB
Solution: Enter sample data into DynamoDB
Watch out for inconsistency when adding attributes
Set up the sample application: Serverless website
Set up the sample application: Lambdas and API Gateway
Create an IAM role for accessing DynamoDB
2. Interact with Your Database via Lambda
Build a new Lambda function
Test your new Lambda function
Make your first Put to DynamoDB
Interact with the results of your DynamoDB Put
Challenge: Add sample users to the database
Solution: Add sample users to the database
3. Insert Structured Data into DynamoDB
Get the request from a web form
Display a response back from the Lambda
Update your Lambda to respond based on your Put call
Challenge: Add a phone number
Solution: Add a phone number
4. Get Data from DynamoDB
Get a list of users from DynamoDB
Challenge: Set up an IAM role to read the users database
Solution: Set up an IAM role to read the users database
Return a list of users in JSON
Update the client with user data
Add and view users, all in your site
Use query to search a table for an entry
Going further
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