Deploy your web apps with zero downtime
Base knowledge
1. Setting Up Your Continuous Integration and Deployment Pipeline
Deployment target architecture
Creating your CodeCommit repository
Uploading your code to CodeCommit
Challenge: Clone and re-upload
Solution: Remote code repositories
2. Building Docker Images with AWS CodeBuild
Building your ECR Docker image repository
Reviewing your project's Dockerfile
CodeBuild buildspec file
Creating a CI/CD pipeline for your CodeBuild project
Setting CodeBuild permissions
Challenge: CodeBuild external resources
Solution: Pulling external resources into CodeBuild
3. CodeDeploy for Blue-Green Application Deployments
Building the network infrastructure for your deployment
Deploy a load balancer
Update the IAM role for your load balancer
Container task definition for your container
Create an ECS cluster and service
Challenge: Canary deployments
Solution: Route 53 for canary deployments
4. Deployment, Execution, and Validation
Blue-green deployment strategy
Deploy a code change
Validate deployment and post-deployment options
Challenge: Failed deployment
Solution: Rolling back your deployment
Key takeaways and best practices
Resources to keep learning
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