Graphic Design: Canada
What is graphic design?
Graphic designers immigrate to Canada from Europe post-WWII
A new flag for Canada: A design challenge
Expo 67 Montréal designers: Hebért, Fuller, Safdie, Kramer
Expo 67 and First Nations Pavilion: Clutesi
Canada’s centennial identity
Pioneering examples: Ash, Gottschalk, Bank of Canada, SkyDome
Typography: Kleefeld, Watt, TD Bank, Air Canada, Expos
Rebranding: Valkus, Perry, Fleming, Donahue, Coupland, Vignelli
Team Canada hockey jersey: Eagleson, O’Malley, Lloyd
Montréal Olympic Games 1976: Pelletier, Huel
Québéc separatism, Trudeau, Federal Identity Program
The CBC Logo and a lifetime of design: Kramer
Women in Canadian design: Cooper, the anti-modernist
Illustration and ornamentation: Dimson, Bantjes
The Roots logo: Cooper
Rebranding Royal Bank of Canada and CBC: Kramer, Ash, Vignelli, Coupland
Good design echoing, Canada Wordmark, Donahue