1. Drawing an Impossible Triangle
Drawing nine base hexagons
Converting shapes into custom guides
Drawing the first edge of the triangle
Filling the edge with a custom gradient
Rotating and duplicating the edges
2. Adding the Golden Ball
Identifying the center of your artwork
Drawing and filling the golden ball
3. Plotting the Motion of the Ball
Understanding how the ball moves
The angles of an equilateral triangle
Drawing the path of the ball
Expressing motion as a custom guide
Duplicating shapes along an angled line
Arranging shapes in a perfect triangle
4. Creating the Frames as Layers
Blending the first series of frames
Making quick work of the remaining blends
Expanding blends into our first continuous trail
Releasing the shapes to sublayers
Exporting your frames as Photoshop layers
5. Animating Your Artwork in Photoshop
Turning the layers into Timeline frames
Adding hidden layers to your animation
Masking the frames to complete the illusion
Exporting the final animated GIF file
Until next time
(12.4 MB)