1. Brainstorming and Development
Identifying the client's brand objectives
Sketching a few prospective designs
A brief tour of the logo development process
2. Drawing the Art for Your Logo
Documenting your design with interactive instructions
Creating a new document for your logo
Numerical sizes and coordinate positions
Establishing a few custom guides
Creating an element as a compound shape
Drawing Saturn behind a rocket
Fusing Saturn and the rocket into a single path
3. Setting the Type
Selecting the perfect font for your logo
Taking a first swing at the text on the Mac
Formatting your logo with a free OpenType font
Reshaping a letter with the Join tool
Upping your game with a commercial font
Tweaking letterforms to achieve a custom effect
4. Assigning Spot Colors for Print
Choosing the perfect spot colors
Adding Pantone spot colors to your artwork
Modifying art inside a clipping group
Streamlining your inks in CMYK
Streamlining your inks in RGB
Identifying and correcting spot-color mishaps
5. Adding Device-Independent Shading
Preparing your logo for vector-based shading
Establishing a base radial gradient
Blending a second gradient using translucency
Coloring a gradient with a blend mode
Exporting your logo as a PNG graphic
Scaling your PNG graphic to fit a large display
6. Adding Some Photorealism
Exporting your logo as a layered PSD file
Scaling a design to avoid antialiasing
Masking a photograph into your logo
Better integrating the photo into the logo
Introducing a photo as a Smart Object
Reestablishing the original color scheme
7. Changing the Orientation
Arranging the logo into a horizontal design
Copying a graphic with all blending intact
Until next time
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