Using the exercise files
What you should know
1. Database Structure
Translate business needs to structures
Physical database design
Leverage file groups
Understanding RAID arrays
Develop an indexing strategy
Upgrade a SQL Server database
Create additional SQL Server instances
2. Backup and Recovery Solutions
Backup and recovery strategies
Database snapshots
Backup encryption
Restore tail-log backups
3. Database Design
Create a database schema
Use schemas to enhance database security
Data access and data layer architectures
Linked server database models
Automation strategies
4. Table Design
Create temp tables and table variables
Store FILESTREAM and FileTable data
Row and Page compression strategies
Create table expressions
Sort data with columnstore indexes
5. Data Management Considerations
Locking and concurrency strategy
Create and manage transactions
Transaction isolation strategy
Create stored procedures
Modify stored procedure parameters
Error handling in stored procedures
6. Database Security
Introduction to SQL Server security
Establishing user login roles
Database and table permissions
Object owner permissions
Encrypting data
7. Troubleshooting and Optimization
Database server maintenance plans
Verify integrity with console commands
Repair fragmented indexes
Database auditing strategies
Investigate waits and deadlocks
Introduction to activity monitoring
SQL Server utility
8. Planning High Availability and Disaster Recovery
High-availability concepts and options
Log shipping
Leverage Always On Failover Cluster Instances
Work with Always On Availability Groups
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