What you should know before starting
Using the exercise files
1. Overview of SQL Server 2016
Understanding core concepts of SQL Server 2016
SQL Server editions
2. Installing SQL Server 2016
Basic installation
Advanced installation options
Install SQL Management Studio
3. Working with Tools
Using SQL Server Configuration Manager
Basics SQL Server Management Studio
More about SQL Server Management Studio
Activity Monitor
4. Creating and Configuring Databases
Create a database
Advanced database configuration options
Install a sample database
5. Creating Tables in a Database
Create a table using Management Studio
Understanding data column options
Create a table using T-SQL
Create relationships between tables
In-memory tables
Temporal tables
6. Creating Views in Databases
Create a view
Understanding the advanced options of views
7. Understanding Programmability
Stored procedures
Parameterized stored procedures
Built-in functions
Scalar functions
8. Working with XML
Introduction to XML
Write queries to return XML
Shred XML
Working with XML schemas
Storing XML
9. Working with JSON
Working with JSON
Converting JSON to tabular data
Storing JSON
10. Backup and Restore
Overview of backup and restore in SQL Server
Basic backups
Basic restore
Create maintenance plans to automate backups
Add a cleanup task to a maintenance plan
11. Monitoring and Management
Review logs in SQL Server 2016
Audit logins
Understanding dynamic management views
Using database console commands (DBCC)
Overview of high availability in SQL Server 2016
12. Security
Overview of authentication in SQL Server
Instance-level logins
Database-level users
Encrypt data
Dynamic masking
13. Performance
Basics of indexes
Create an index
Columnstore index
Explore execution plans
Overview of Query Store
14. Cloud
Back up to Azure
Set up Stretch Database
Monitor Stretch Database
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