1. Concepts of Sound
What is sound made of?
Frequency and amplitude
Phase and time
How do we hear?
The acoustic, analog, and digital domains
2. The Signal Path: Acoustic and Analog
Overview of a signal path
Getting sound into the analog domain
Types of analog connections
Gain stages in the analog domain
Getting sound back to the acoustic domain
3. The Signal Path: Digital
Adding the digital domain
Analog to digital conversion
Gain stages in the digital domain
Digital to analog conversion
Digital formats and data compression
How digital connections work
4. Digital Audio Workstations
Introducing the DAW
Types of DAWs
Effects plugins and virtual instruments
Managing computer resources
MIDI: Recording performances, not sounds
How MIDI is communicated
Storing and processing MIDI
6. Mixing and Processing Audio
Levels, pan, and automation
Monitoring levels while mixing
Partials, harmonics, and equalization (EQ)
Types of EQ components
Compression and other dynamic processing
Threshold, ratio, and four types of dynamic processors
Attack and release in dynamic processors
Characteristics of analog and digital