Your CLI doesn’t have to be boring
1. Git GUI and Terminal Command-Line Interface Software
Available Git GUI software and why you should use a CLI
Compare terminal program options
Terminal environments and common tools (Bash, Zsh, fish)
Install a terminal and the standard settings and preferences
2. The Raw, Classic Power of the Bash Shell
Why we're starting with Bash
Your bash aliases, or shortcut commands
Your Bash prompt line customizations
Why move past Bash?
3. Upgraded, Modern Shells Like Zsh and Fish
Overview and installation of Oh My Zsh
Fun Oh My Zsh themes
Oh My Zsh plugins and extras
What about the fish terminal shell?
4. The Necessary CLI and Git Commands
How to navigate your computer via the CLI
File and text editing inside the CLI
Getting your Git CLI
Tips for remembering things
Next, level up your CLI skills
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