Using the exercise files
What to expect from this course
1. The Dreamweaver Interface
Initial setup and the Start screen
Document view options
The Insert panel and Quick Property Inspector
Customize the insert panel
The DOM panel
The CC Libraries and Assets panels
The Property inspector and other panels
Manage workspaces
Change Preferences
What's different in the Mac version
2. Managing Projects
Basic site structure
Define a new site
Edit sites
Manage files and folders
Test files in browsers
Use real-time preview in a mobile device
3. Creating New Documents
Create new files
Explore starter templates
Adapt a starter template
4. Authoring Options
Edit in Live view
Use the Quick Tag Editor in Live View
Edit in Code view
Reuse code snippets
Detect errors in code
Use Design view
5. Structuring Documents
Create basic page structure
Get text into Dreamweaver
Import Word documents
Add structure to text
Create lists
Create definition lists
6. Creating Links
Overview of links
Set site link preferences
Create internal links
Build external links
Link to a specific point in a page
Create an email link
7. Managing CSS
CSS workflows in Dreamweaver CC 2017
Set CSS preferences
CSS Designer overview
Attach an external style sheet
Create a new CSS rule in the CSS Designer
Styling text
Use an Adobe Edge web font
Create a custom font stack
Style links
Style basic layout properties
Style borders
Style background properties
Style additional properties
Add a media query
Use CSS Inspect
8. Working with Images and Videos
Place images on the page
Control image properties
Style images
Use background images
Insert a video
9. Working with Tables
Basic table structure
Import tabular data
Create accessible tables
Enhance tables through styles
10. Site Management
Update files site-wide
Check for broken links
Connect to a remote server
Define and test a remote server
Upload files
Manage multiple sites
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