Using the exercise files
1. Examples of Modern Inputs
The critical role of accessible forms
Form input: Bad, good, and okay
The key elements of good form design
2. Building Forms with Dreamweaver
Dreamweaver form design features
Building a form in Dreamweaver
Using Dreamweaver form design features
Styling forms with CSS
3. Form Input Types
A quick survey of the top nine input types
The color input
The date input
The email input
The number input
The range input
The search input
The telephone input
The time input
The URL input
4. Using HTML5 Inputs for Validation
Setting a required input
Setting a constrained input
Making entry intuitive with autofocus
Providing options with select menus
Easing data entry with datalists
5. Inviting and Accessible Inputs
Labels, placeholders, and mobile friendly forms
Effective use of labels
Effective use of placeholders
Responsive inputs for mobile devices
6. Styling Input
Styling inputs with CSS
CSS for forms
CSS for styling inputs
CSS for styling text areas
Styling with fieldsets
7. Bootstrap Form Tools
Introducing Bootstr22ap form design features
Creating inline forms
Creating styled labels with Bootstrap
Adding labels and badges
Adding sets of radio buttons
More Bootstrap form resources
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