Discover Excel for Mac
What you should know
1. Get Started with Excel
What can you do with Excel 2019?
Explore the Excel 2019 program window
The ribbon
Set program preferences
Get help in Excel
2. Manage Workbooks
Open, create, and save workbooks
Set workbook properties
Create and modify templates
3. Work with Worksheets, Cells, and Cell Data
Select cells and groups of cells
Copy and paste cell data
Enter data using AutoFill and other techniques
Insert symbols and special characters
Create named ranges
Create an Excel table
Locate and change data using Find and Replace
Guide cell input using validation rules
4. Sort, Filter, and Manage Worksheets
Sort worksheet data
Create a custom sort order
Filter worksheet data
Insert, move, and delete cells and cell ranges
Split worksheets and freeze rows and columns
Manage worksheets
Create, edit, and delete headers and footers
5. Summarize Data Using Formulas and Functions
Introduce Excel formulas, functions, and operators
Add a formula to a cell
Use relative and absolute cell references
Control how Excel copies and pastes formulas
Refer to Excel table data in formulas
Create an AutoSum formula
Summarize data on the status bar
Summarize data using IF functions
Summarize data using conditional formulas
Identify precedents and dependents
Manage Excel formula error indicators
6. Format Worksheet Elements
Apply fonts, background colors, and borders
Apply number and date formats to cells
Manage text alignment
Copy cell formats
Manage cell styles
Manage Office themes
Create rule-based conditional formats
Define top ten conditional formats
Define data bar, color scale, and icon set conditional formats
Manage conditional formats
7. Work with Charts
Create bar and column charts
Create line charts
Create XY (scatter) charts
Change chart types and layouts
Format chart elements
Manage chart axes and numbering
Create sparkline charts
Create funnel, waterfall, and map charts
8. Work with External Data and Objects
Import data from comma-separated value (CSV) or text files
Use hyperlinks
Create and format shapes
Add and adjust images
Add and format text boxes
Align and layer objects
9. Explore PivotTables
Create a PivotTable
Pivot a PivotTable
Manage subtotals and grand totals
Change the data field summary operation and number format
Filter a PivotTable
10. Review and Share Your Spreadsheets
Check spelling
Set AutoCorrect and automatic Replace options
Manage workbook comments
Print a worksheet or workbook
Set and remove print areas
Export workbooks to other formats
Further resources
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