Functional programming: A new way to organize code
What you should know
CoderPad tour
1. Introduction to Functional Programming
Solution: Applying functional concepts
Why use functional programming?
What is declarative programming?
Immutability in functional programming
Functional purity
First-class functions
2. First-Class Functions
Solution: Applying higher-order functions
The function interface
Lambda expressions
BiFunctions and beyond
Functions as data
Passing functions as arguments
Returning functions
Higher-order functions
3. Working with Streams in Java
Solution: Applying streams
Map in Java
Filter in Java
Reduce in Java
Collect in Java
Challenge: Stream exercises
Solution: Stream exercises
Combine list functions
Parallel streams
Challenge: Average salary calculator
Solution: Average salary calculator
4. Advanced Concepts
Solution: Using composition
Advanced functional concepts
Partial application and currying
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