What you should know
What’s new in Rhino 6
Using the exercise files
1. Algorithmic Thinking
Introduction to associative design
Working with algorithms
Iteration and recursion
2. Modeling a Musical Instrument
Introduction and file setup
Modeling the base profile
Modeling the through hole profiles
Modeling the top profile
Modeling the fret track profiles
Extruding the frets
Extruding the solid base
Extruding the solid top
Finishing the algorithm
Planning for mass production
Estimating materials for mass production
3. Customizing Grasshopper
Custom components with user objects
Add-ons and plugins
Python scripting
Visual Basic .NET scripting
4. Modeling Climate Data with Ladybug
Vector review
Intro to Ladybug plugin
Installing the Ladybug plugin
Importing weather data with Ladybug
Analyzing wind data with Ladybug
Displaying Ladybug wind data with vectors
Visualizing wind data over time with Ladybug
Sunlight simulation with Ladybug
Calculating average sun vectors in Ladybug
Optimizing solar panels with Ladybug and vector cross product
Shadow study with Ladybug
Surface analysis with vector dot product
Aligning shapes to vectors
5. Tiling and Tessalation
Data tree review
Hexagonal tiling introduction
Setting up a hexagonal tiling grid
Finishing a hexagonal tiling grid
Adding offsets for tiling
Adding additional tiling parameters
Planning for tiling 3D objects
Tiling 3D objects
Truchet tile fundamentals
Planning a parametric hexagonal tile
Creating a parametric hexagonal tile
Planning a parametric truchet tile
Creating a parametric truchet tile
6. Simulation and Form-Finding with Kangaroo
What is Kangaroo?
Installing Kangaroo
Where to get help with Kangaroo
Exploring Kangaroo basics
Multi-goal simulations
Simulating basic tensile structures
Simulating tensile meshes
What are grid shells?
Simulating grid shells
Flexible anchor points
Measuring tolerances
Form-finding with Kangaroo
Fine-tuning a physics simulation
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