About this course
Using the exercise files
About fonts
1. The InDesign Environment and Interface
Setting preferences
Exploring the interface
Creating a workspace
Automatic document recovery and multiple undo
2. Document Setup
Exploring the New Document dialog
Facing vs. non-facing pages
Setting up margins and columns
How master pages work
Setting up master pages
3. Text
Creating text frames
Importing text
Using Find/Change and spell-check
Using text wrap
Setting up tabs and split columns
Creating paragraph styles
Creating character styles
Creating nested and next paragraph styles
Creating bulleted and numbered lists
Paragraph rules and shading
Underline and strikethrough effects
Text on a path
4. Importing and Transforming Graphics
Graphic formats
Importing graphics: Three methods
Aligning and transforming frames
Scaling and rotating graphics
Managing graphics links
Creating image grids
Modifying graphics frames
Anchored frames
Object Layer options
Creating custom stroke styles
Adding drop shadows
5. Adding Color: Creating Swatches
Choosing between RGB, CMYK, or spot color spaces
Creating a new swatch
Creating tints
Creating gradients
Mixed ink swatches
Importing and exporting swatches
6. Tables
Table basics
Importing from Excel
Headers and footers
Rearranging rows and columns
Table and cell styles
Adding graphics to tables
7. InDesign Libraries
Comparing InDesign Libraries and CC Libraries
Storing assets in InDesign Libraries
Storing assets in CC Libraries
Sharing CC Libraries
8. Creating a Template
Advantages of templates
Saving and using a template
9. Long Document Features
Creating an automatic table of contents
Using a book file to consolidate multiple documents
10. Printing and PDFs
Differences between in-house and commercial printing requirements
Preflighting and packaging your project
Exporting to PDF for online or email viewing
Exporting to PDF for commercial print
Creating packaging
What I hope you’ve learned
Next steps
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