What you should know before watching this course
Using the exercise files and loading fonts
Installing InDesign scripts
1. Creating Smart Templates
Saving time with a great template
Making a simple template
Understanding what makes a template smart
Finding and evaluating free and commercial InDesign templates
Creating a template from an existing publication
Creating a template from a PDF
2. Ingredients for Smart Templates
Setting up document intent, page size, bleeds, and slug
Adding margin and column guides
Creating a simple master page strategy
In Practice: Master pages
Adding and organizing color swatches
Setting up layers to streamline production
In Practice: Layers
Creating grids and guidelines for accurate layout
Adding text and image placeholders
Creating library items and snippets for reusable elements
In Practice: Library and snippets
Including other special items for your publication
3. Smart Styles Are the Heart of Smart Templates
Making smart paragraph and character styles
Creating paragraph and character styles where none exist
Fixing style overrides with Redefine Style
In Practice: Cleaning up broken styles
Automating your text formatting with nested styles
Including GREP styles to speed formatting
Setting up a "style cascade" with the Next Style feature
In Practice: Automating your styles
Creating new object styles for common image and text frame issues
Creating object styles for callout lines and anchored objects
4. Tips and Best Practices for InDesign Template Creation and Usage
Updating preexisting layouts with template elements
Using Creative Cloud Libraries
Embedding a custom preflight check
Helping template users with a style guide
5. Special Considerations for Other Types of Templates
Reviewing a template for a reflowable ebook
Evaluating a trade book template and InDesign book files
Creating a Word template for your publication's contributors
Setting up a template for an interactive layout
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