Before watching this course
How to use the exercise files
1. Overview of Essential Differences
Adobe design apps vs. Microsoft Office apps
How font usage differs between suites
Understand graphics differences
Understand color differences
Office for Mac vs. Office for Windows
2. Converting with Specialized Software
Use ID2Office to convert ID files to Word and PPT
Use PDF2ID or PDF2DTP to convert PDFs to editable ID files
Use Snagit for screenshots
3. Between Adobe Creative Apps and Microsoft PowerPoint
Use Adobe Acrobat to convert any file to PowerPoint
Recreate an Adobe file from scratch in PowerPoint
Convert Adobe background art to PowerPoint master pages
Extract individual images from a PDF to use in PowerPoint
Convert elements from InDesign to PowerPoint
Convert Illustrator art into editable vectors in PowerPoint
Replicate Adobe text formatting in PowerPoint
Extract PowerPoint art to use in Adobe apps
Export all the PowerPoint text to use in InDesign
4. Between Microsoft Excel and Adobe Creative Apps
Create InDesign tables from Excel
Automatically update InDesign tables from Excel
Convert Excel charts into editable Illustrator objects
Import Excel data into Illustrator charts
Convert Excel charts for use in InDesign, Photoshop, and Illustrator
5. Between Adobe Creative Apps and Microsoft Word
Import formatted Word text into InDesign
Import formatted Word text into Illustrator
Export formatted InDesign text to Word
Convert an InDesign layout to editable Word format
Create an editable Word letterhead based on an InDesign design
Add a continuation page to the Word letterhead
Import art from Adobe apps into Word
Extract Word art graphics to use in Adobe apps
(391.8 MB)