Welcome to natural language processing with R
Skills and tools you need
1. Getting Started with Quanteda
Introduction to quanteda
Install quanteda
2. Understanding Corpora
Create a quanteda corpus
Create metadata with docvars
Corpus subsets and groups
Reshape and segment a corpus
Remove lines from a corpus
3. Understanding Tokens
Corpus and tokens
Remove tokens and stopwords
Group tokens
Stemming with tokens
4. Understanding Document-Feature Matrix (DFM)
Corpus, tokens, and DFM
Create and modify a DFM
Real-world analysis with DFM
5. Analysis and Visualization
The quanteda textstat package
Real-world text statistics with textstat
Understand the quanteda sentiment package
Real-world sentiment analysis with quanteda sentiment
Visualization with textplot
Use dplyr with quanteda
Your next steps in NLP
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