1. Introduction to Algorithms
Euclid's algorithm
Bubble sort algorithm
Why study data structures and algorithms?
Correctness of an algorithm
2. Analysis of Algorithms
How to calculate the time complexity
The RAM model of computation
Time complexity of bubble sort algorithm
Pseudo code: Bubble sort algorithm
The Big O notation
Using Big O notation: Examples
Comparison of running times
3. Basic Sorting and Search Algorithms
Selection sort
Selection sort: Pseudocode
Introduction to insertion sort
Applying insertion sort algorithm to cue balls
Insertion sort: Pseudocode
O(n²) sorting algorithms: Comparison
Stable vs. unstable sorts
Searching elements in an unordered array
Searching elements in an ordered array
Searching elements in an ordered array continued
Inserting and deleting items in an ordered array
Sorting any type of object
4. Linked Lists
What is a linked list?
Implementing a linked list in Java
Inserting a new node
Length of a linked list
Deleting the head node
Searching for an item
Doubly ended lists
Inserting data in a sorted linked list
Doubly linked list
Insertion sort revisited
5. Stacks and Queues
Abstract data types
Implementing stacks using arrays
Queues using arrays
Double-ended queues
Double-ended queues using arrays
6. Recursion
Understanding recursion
Tail recursion
Tower of Hanoi
Tower of Hanoi: Implementation
Merge sort
Merge sort: Pseudocode
Merge step: Pseudocode
Time complexity of merge sort
7. Binary Search Trees
The tree data structure
Binary trees
Binary search trees
Finding an item in a binary search tree
Implementing the find method
Inserting an item in a binary search tree
Deleting an item: Case 1
Deleting an item: Case 2
Deleting an item: Case 3
Deleting an item: Soft delete
Finding smallest and largest values
Tree traversal: In order
Tree traversal: Pre order
Tree traversal: Post order
Unbalanced trees vs. balanced trees
Height of a binary tree
Time complexity of operations on binary search trees
8. More Sorting Algorithms
Quicksort: The partition step
Shell sort
Shell sort example
Counting sort
Radix sort
Bucket sort
9. Heaps
Deleting the root
Inserting an item in a heap
Heaps as priority queues
Representing heaps using arrays
Heap sort
Building a heap
10. Hashtables
Direct access tables
Resolving collisions through chaining
The hash function
Open addressing to resolve collisions
Strategies for open addressing
Time complexity: Open addressing
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