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Using the exercise files
Which version of Java do you want to learn?
Using code challenges
1. What Is Java?
The history of Java
Principles and components of Java
Java syntax and compilation
Memory management and garbage collection
Choosing a development environment
2. Installing the Software
Installing BlueJ
3. Getting Started
Creating a Java project in IntelliJ IDEA
Taking a tour of IntelliJ IDEA
Hello World
Passing arguments to a console application
Organizing Java classes in packages
Creating a Java project in BlueJ
Using the Java API documentation
4. Working with Variables
Working with primitive variables
Declaring and initializing numeric primitives
Representing currency values with BigDecimal
Converting numeric values
Using mathematical operators and the Math class
Working with Boolean values and expressions
Working with character values
Using Java operators
5. Working with Objects
Working with object data types
Using the String class
Converting primitive values to strings
Building a string from multiple values
Comparing string values
Formatting numeric values as strings
Parsing string values
Working with dates and times
6. Exception Handling and Debugging
Understanding syntax errors vs. runtime exceptions
Debugging with IntelliJ IDEA
Handling exceptions with try/catch
Creating multiple catch blocks
Throwing custom exceptions
7. Managing Program Flow
Programming conditional logic
Using the switch statement
Creating looping code blocks
Creating reusable code with methods
Overloading methods with different signatures
Passing arguments by reference or by value
8. Using Data Collections
Using simple arrays
Using two-dimensional arrays
Managing resizable arrays with ArrayList
Managing unordered data with HashMap
Looping through collections with iterators and for-each
9. Creating Custom Classes
Understanding encapsulation
Creating and instantiating custom classes
Creating nested and anonymous classes
Visualizing class relationships
Storing data in instance variables
Declaring instance and static methods
Using constructor methods
Using static variables as constants
Declaring and using enum types
10. Working with Inheritance
Understanding inheritance and polymorphism
Extending classes and overriding methods
Creating and implementing interfaces
Using abstract classes and methods
11. Using Common Java Libraries
Managing files with the original File class
Managing files with Java 7's new I/O library
Managing files with Apache Commons FileUtils
Reading a text file over the Internet
12. Preparing a Java Application for Deployment
Documenting code with Javadoc
Packaging classes in JAR files
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