What you should know before starting this course
Using the exercise files
1. Installing Software
Testing your Java development environment
Importing a MySQL database
Creating a database user in MySQL
2. Getting Started with JDBC
What is JDBC?
Choosing a JDBC driver
Connecting to a MySQL database server
Connecting to a HyperSQL database file
Executing a static SQL statement
3. Managing Database Resources
Connecting to multiple databases
Handling JDBC exceptions
Closing database resources in Java 7
4. Reading Data
Looping through result sets
Moving the cursor in scrollable result sets
Limiting the number of fetched rows
Filtering data with prepared statements
Calling stored procedures
Handling multiple values from stored procedures
Using generic getter methods in Java SE 7
5. Managing Data
Managing data entities with JavaBean classes
Retrieving a single row as a JavaBean object
Inserting rows with prepared statements
Updating rows with prepared statements
Deleting rows with prepared statements
Managing data with updatable result sets
Using a persistent database connection
Committing and rolling back transactions
6. Using Metadata
Getting the DatabaseMetaData object
Getting column and data type information
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