Running Java faster with GraalVM
What you should know
Installing GraalVM
1. Welcome to GraalVM
Introducing GraalVM
Why use GraalVM
Understanding the licensing model
Using GraalVM
2. Micronaut
Introduction to Micronaut
Build a Micronaut web service
Build a native Micronaut image
Challenge: Native Micronaut web service
Solution: Native Micronaut web service
3. Helidon
Introduction to Helidon
Build a Helidon web service
Build a native Helidon image
Challenge: Native Helidon web service
Solution: Native Helidon web service
4. Quarkus
Introduction to Quarkus
Build a Quarkus web service
Build a native Quarkus image
Challange: Native Quarkus web service
Solution: Native Quarkus web service
5. Spring
Introduction to Spring
Build a Spring web service
Native images in Spring
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