Get up and running with Quarkus
What you should know
1. Quarkus Core
Welcome to Quarkus
Introducing the docs
Starting a project
Dependency Injection in Quarkus
Command mode Quarkus
Configuration properties in Quarkus
Logging in Quarkus
Challenge: Fizz Buzz
Solution: Fizz Buzz
2. Data Access with Quarkus
Data access with Quarkus
Data source configurations
External RDS databases
Relational databases with Hibernate
Quarkus and NoSQL
Challenge: Data access
Solution: Data access
3. REST with Quarkus
Web-based traffic with Quarkus
RESTful communication with Quarkus
RESTful implementation with Quarkus
REST client with Quarkus
OpenAPI with Quarkus
GraphQL with Quarkus
Challenge: Wire HTTP
Solution: Wire HTTP
4. Additional Topics with Quarkus
Health checks
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