1. "Tune Up"
"Tune up"
Pentatonics for “Tune Up”
Practicing the new pentatonics
Two-handed comping using tune up
2. Essential Jazz Scales 5
Essential jazz scales: C7, F7, and Bb major 7 bop scales
Practicing these scales as a cadence
3. Putting It All Together: "Tune Up"
“Tune Up” – putting it all together, part 1
“Tune Up” – putting it all together, part 2
4. ”Funk in C”
“Funk in C”
5. Putting It All Together: 2-5-1
The complete I-VI-II-V cycle, part 1
The complete I-VI-II-V cycle, part 2
Putting it all together – playing on I-VI-II-V
6. Altered Dominant Scales
Altered dominant scales, part 1
Altered dominant scales, part 2
Altered dominant scales, part 3
Practicing altered dominant scales
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