Project: The Landon Hotel app
What you should know
Using the exercise files
Set up your local environment (Mac)
Set up your local environment (Windows)
1. Getting Started with Laravel
What is Laravel?
Get a copy of Laravel
Laravel file and folder structure
Artisan for developers
Simple web responses with Laravel
Dependency injection
Service providers
Facades and their utility
2. Controlling an Application
Controller implementation in Laravel
Routing to controllers
Sending parameters to a controller
Loading a view
3. Views and Blade
Create a template and extended views
Send data to a view
Views and additional Blade functionality
Challenge: Titles from the model
Solution: Titles from the model
Create forms
Process form data
Form validation: Back end
Form validation: Front end
4. Introducing Eloquent
Introduction to Eloquent
Set up a database
Database migrations
Models in Laravel
Add data with Eloquent
Select data with Eloquent
Modify data with Eloquent
Relations in Eloquent
Select data with raw queries
Return data to the view
Add relational data
Concurrent connections
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