Manage Kubernetes infrastructure with AKS
What you should know
1. Kubernetes on Azure
Deployment models
Create the Azure Container Registry
Push a container to the registry
Verify container registry image
Establish AKS specific credentials
Launch an AKS cluster
2. Scaling AKS Workers
Selecting worker sizing
Deploy a simple app
Scaling pods and nodes
Set up nodes
Using labels to select pools
3. AKS Storage and Networks
AKS storage overview
Creating storage classes
Storage: Persistent claims
Shared volumes
Create resource for shared volume
Challenge: Lost volumes
Solution: Find and remove PVs
Networking and AKS
Load balancing and Ingress: Setup
Load balancing and Ingress: Part 2
4. Managing AKS Deployments
AKS and K8s RBAC
Using Azure Monitor with AKS
K8s native: Prometheus
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