What is Behance?
1. Behance Account
Signing in to Behance
Your Behance profile
Why your Behance profile matters
Modifying your Behance settings
Adding a team profile
2. Exploring Behance
Reading your activity feed
Finding people to follow
Filtering your Behance search results
Using Behance as a résumé
Seeking work on Behance
Viewing your Behance stats
Using the Behance mobile app
Adding work from the mobile apps
Display app
3. Adding Projects
Adding a project to Behance
Embedding media
Working with a photo grid
Reordering content
Adding a cover
Viewing project settings
4. Behance Portfolio Site
Accessing Adobe Portfolio
Choosing a layout
Customizing your layout
Creating a contact page
Activating social links
Publishing your portfolio
5. Building Your Community
Social networking 101
Commenting on projects
Other social media
Connecting with the author
Further learning