1. Assembling HDR Images
Introduction to HDR and HDR Efex Pro
Assembling images from Adobe Bridge
Assembling images from Adobe Photoshop
Assembling images from Adobe Photoshop Lightroom
Creating the initial HDR image
Tone mapping a single image
2. Basics of HDR Efex Pro
A tour of HDR Efex Pro
Configuring the interface
Software settings
Working with presets
Evaluating the before and after
Getting a closer look
Modifying settings via a Smart Object
3. Applying Adjustments
Tone compression settings
Adjusting overall tonality
Color adjustments
Using the History and Reset options
4. Using Selective Adjustments
Applying targeted adjustments with control points
Viewing and modifying control point masks
Managing control points
5. Finishing Touches
Adding a vignette
Creating a graduated neutral-density effect
Levels and Curves adjustments
Saving the final image
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