Develop effective online instruction with Moodle
What you should know before starting
1. Learning Management Systems (LMS)
About learning management systems
General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR)
2. Get Started with Moodle 3.7
Customize your profile
Customize your notification settings
Inline help for Moodle
3. Create a Course in Moodle 3.7
Start with a blank course shell
Customize your course structure
Introduction section
Add blocks to your course page
Adjust course settings
Switching roles in Moodle
4. Course Resources
Introduction to resources
File and URLs
Pages and books
5. Course Activities
Introduction to activities
Create assignments
Create a quiz
Add questions to a quiz
Question bank
Add a forum
Choice, survey, and feedback
Communicate using chat
Manage your dashboard
6. Manage Course Participants
Enroll students in your course
Send messages
Create groups
Gradebook setup
Gradebook user reports
Adjust your grading scale
Competency-based education
Save a back up of your course
Next steps