Learning to use MySQL
How to get started with MySQL
1. Database Basics
What is a database?
SQL, a declarative language
Databases vs. flat files and spreadsheets
Common database terms
Database best practices
2. Exploring MySQL
Advantages and disadvantages of MySQL
Exploring MySQL Workbench
MySQL data types, part 1
MySQL data types, part 2
Challenge: Explore the built-in databases
Solution: Explore the built-in databases
3. Creating Tables
Create a database
Create a table
Use CREATE and ALTER to define a table
Primary keys and foreign keys
Load bulk data
Challenge: Create normalized movies table
Solution: Create normalized movies table
4. Selecting Data
The basics of SELECT
Refine SELECT queries
Filter results with WHERE
Display data with CASE
Challenge: Filter movies by score
Solution: Filter movies by score
5. Updating and Deleting Data
Add data to tables with INSERT
Update existing rows with UPDATE
Remove data with DELETE
Challenge: Clean up the movies
Solution: Clean up the movies
6. Joining Tables
The basics of JOIN
Match fields with INNER JOIN
Match all fields with outer joins
Challenge: Find the best film
Solution: Find the best film
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