Harness the power of MySQL
The exercise files
1. Overview of SQL
A brief overview of SQL
Database organization
Selecting rows
Selecting columns
Counting rows
Inserting data
Updating data
Deleting data
Joining queries across tables
Finding databases, tables, and columns
2. Data Types
What are data types?
The CREATE TABLE statement
Numeric types
Date and time types
String types
Enumeration types
The SERIAL type alias
3. Operators and Functions
Comparison operators
Logical operators
Arithmetic operators
Operator precedence
The CASE statement
The IF function
4. String Functions
String comparisons
Regular expressions
String concatenation
Numeric conversions
Trimming and padding
Case conversion
5. Mathematical Functions
Value functions
Basic math
Simple trigonometry
Radians and degrees
6. Differences from Standard SQL
String contactenation
Quote marks
Integer division
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