Learn to market effectively on YouTube
1. YouTube Marketing Overview
Discover marketing opportunities on YouTube
Set marketing goals on YouTube
Choose a content marketing strategy for YouTube
2. Customize Your YouTube Channel for Marketing
Set up a YouTube Brand Account
Brand your YouTube channel page
3. Organic Marketing on YouTube
Create a content plan for YouTube
Upload a marketing video to YouTube
Marketing on YouTube: Interact with viewers
Marketing on YouTube: Create video playlists
4. Optimize YouTube Content
Important SEO elements for YouTube videos
Perform keyword research for SEO on YouTube
Optimize YouTube video details for marketing
Create chapters in your video uploads
Utilize video cards and end screens
Customize your YouTube channel layout
Customize advanced channel settings on YouTube
5. Review YouTube Analytics
Evaluate channel performance with YouTube Analytics
Assess the performance of uploads on YouTube
6. Additional Opportunities for Marketing on YouTube
Advertise on YouTube
Sell merchandise on YouTube
Plan your marketing strategy for YouTube