How to use the exercise files
1. The Power of the Keyboard
Making the most out of keyboard shortcuts
Understanding modifier keys
Learning new shortcuts
2. Global Shortcuts
Workspace shortcuts
Go full screen with the accent grave key
Undo and Redo
Cut, Copy, and Paste
Changing the active panel with shortcuts
Creating a new project
Saving, closing, and quitting
Exporting a movie
3. Project and Metalogging Shortcuts
Useful project panel shortcuts
Browse in Adobe Bridge
4. Shortcuts for Navigating and Marking Footage
Navigating footage
Advance by a frame
Mark in and out points
Go to in and out points
Mark a clip
Creating markers
Navigating and editing markers
Strategies for navigating and marking footage
5. Timeline and Toolbar Shortcuts
Toolbar shortcuts
Zooming on the Timeline
Ways of deleting on the Timeline
Moving between edits on the Timeline
Toggle snapping
F is for Match Frame
E to extend
6. Customizing the Keyboard
Exploring the Keyboard Shortcut window
Keyboard presets
Adding and changing shortcuts
Saving and deleting keyboard presets
Mapping multiple shortcuts to one command
Sharing keyboard presets
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