Using your JavaScript knowledge to learn Python
What you should know
1. Tools of the Trade
Comparing the Python ecosystem to the JavaScript universe
Setting up an environment with Python, pip or Pipenv, and Node.js
Running Python programs
Debugging Python with ipdb
Challenge: Hello Python/JS ninja
Solution: Hello Python/JS ninja
2. The First Steps
Why style is crucial
Numbers, numeric types, and decimals
Migrating from arrays to Python lists, tuples, and dictionaries
Strings and formatting: Python vs. JavaScript
Python slices
Challenge: Port the code
Solution: Port the code
3. Basic Logic
Control flow in Python
How iteration differs between Python and JavaScript
Why try/except is everywhere
Challenge: Porting the greeting
Solution: Porting the greeting
4. Classes, Inheritance, and the Mighty Data Model
Objects in Python vs. JavaScript
Class definition in Python
Super powers with the data model
Understanding inheritance and mixins
Challenge: Enhancing endpoints with mixins
Solution: Enhancing endpoints with mixins
5. Advance Iterations and Comprehensions
Iterating in Python
Writing concise code with zip and enumerate
From JavaScript map and filter to an elegant Python comprehensions
Decorators are essential
Challenge: Map to comprehension
Solution: Map to comprehension
More Python resources
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