Turn data into information with queries
What you should know
Download the sample database
Exploring the code challenge environment
1. Introduction to T-SQL Queries
Solution: Query information from a database
What is Transact SQL?
The SQL querying environment
Return records with SELECT and FROM
Filter records with WHERE
Sort records with ORDER BY
Column aliases
Create values with constants
2. Additional Filter Techniques
Solution: Filter results from a query result
Limit results with TOP
Remove duplicates with DISTINCT
Comparison operators
Understand NULL values
Match text with LIKE and wildcards
3. Retrieve Records from Multiple Tables
Solution: Join data in multiple tables
Table joins and relationships
Inner joins
Left, right, and full outer joins
Cross joins
4. Grouping Records
Solution: Group rows and aggregate data
Understand record grouping
Aggregate functions
Explore data with SUM
Filter groups with HAVING
5. Manipulate Data with Functions
Use functions in T-SQL
Solution: Use functions in a query
String functions
Text concatenation
Round with mathematical functions
Work with date functions
FORMAT date and times
Return random records with NEWID
The IIF logical function
6. Writing SQL Scripts
Change database context with USE
Add comments to a script
When to use square brackets
7. SQL Subqueries
Solution: Obtain information with a subquery
What is a subquery?
Use a subquery in a WHERE clause
Correlated subqueries
PIVOT the result set
8. Work with Variables
Create and use variables in a query
Create a counter for a looping statement
9. Result Set Operators
Combine results with UNION
Return distinct rows with EXCEPT
Return common rows with INTERSECT