Welcome to Redshift for Cinema 4D (C4D)
What you should know
1. Redshift Overview
What is Redshift?
Biased or unbiased rendering?
Linear workflow in Redshift
Node workflow
Where to find everything
Building a custom Redshift C4D layout
2. Your First Scene
What you can make
The camera
Lighting the shot
Adding materials
The final render
3. The Renderview
The interface
Creating and comparing snapshots
Working faster with the Renderview
Checking final renders
4. Geometry Options
Object tag overview
Tesselation and displacement
Hair and splines
5. Understanding Redshift Materials
Node editor
Redshift material basics
Metallic materials
Transparent materials
Subsurface materials
Emissive materials
Ambient occlusion
Adding details and imperfections
Using textures with materials
Bump and displacement
Applying decals and stacking materials
Isolating stacked materials with nodes
Triplanar node
Multishaders and mograph
6. Using Redshift Lights
Redshift lights overview
Physical sun and sky
Using HDRI lights in Redshift
Fog and environment
Gobos and shaders
7. Redshift Cameras
Redshift Camera tag
Depth of field and lens distortion
Photographic exposure
8. Final Renders
Redshift sampling theory
Sampling in practice
Auto sampling
Global illumination
Motion blur
AOVs and the manager
Export settings
Compositing tips
9. Troubleshooting and Workflow Tips
Asset Manager
Converting C4D materials
Using substance assets
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