Level up with X-Particles and Redshift
What you should know
Workflow tips
1. Initial Particle Setups
Scene walk-through
Follow Surface setup
The importance of groups
Particle collisions
Passing particles
Atomic particles
Particle constraints
Incubating to infection
2. User Data in Redshift
Data decisions and caching
User Data nodes
Using color data to drive shaders
Rendering trails and splines
Using scalar data
One shader to rule all groups
3. Explosia FX
Creating smoke sims with Explosia
Caching sims
Importing VDBs to Redshift
Building VDB shaders
Rendering volumes
4. Atom Materials
Base Atom shader
Building a vertex map setup
Driving displacement with vertex maps
Using vertex maps to drive shaders
Vertex map workflow tips and tricks
5. Final Rendering
Final scene assembly
Environment and cameras
Redshift post FX
Render time sampling
Final render settings and EXRs
Explore further with X-Particles and Redshift
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