What this course is and is not
Exercise files
Highlighting new features
1. What are VFX?
Overview of VFX
How is C4D used by VFX artists?
Examples of work
Big picture concepts
2. Understanding the Motion Tracking Workflow
What is motion tracking?
Analyze the shot
Set up our project for tracking
Automatic tracking
Manual tracking
Solving the 3D camera
Add a coordinate system
Test the solve with geometry
3. Additional Motion Tracking Workflows
Removing lens distortion
Import and export the tracked data
Solving and saving lens profiles
Using the Full Solve command
Scene reconstruction
4. Preparing and Animating Models for VFX
The philosophy of VFX modeling
Optimize with polygon reduction and LOD
Import a model
Clean up a model hierarchy
Incorporate a model with a tracked scene
Animating models
Manipulating keyframes and curves
5. Basic Materials
Introduction to materials
Create a shiny material
Create a refractive material
Create a bumpy material
Apply materials
Working with the Texture Manager
6. Basic VFX Lighting
Overview of VFX lighting
Working with C4D lights and shadows
Lighting with Sky Objects
Working with GI and AO
7. Camera Calibration for Locked-Off Shots
Working with the Camera Calibration tag
Modeling using the undistorted workflow
Incorporate objects
Add lighting and environment effects
Render settings to improve the look
8. Takes, Tokens, and Multipass Rendering
What is VFX compositing?
Setting up multipass renders
Preparing takes
Render using tokens
Compositing multipass renders
9. Challenge
Challenge overview
(1.9 GB)