Natural environments in Maya
What you need to know
Using the exercise files
1. Layout
360-degree scene layout
Camera-centric scene layout
Understanding scene scale
Adjusting Grid settings
Camera position and clip planes
Modeling a spherical backdrop
Setting up a camera for a cube map
Rendering cube map images
Modeling a skybox
Mapping a skybox
Shading a skybox
Modeling a planar backdrop matte painting
Shading a backdrop matte painting
Constraining backdrops to the camera
2. Terrain
Setting terrain level of detail
Creating a polygon disc primitive
Applying a 2D height map with Texture Deformer
Applying a 3D procedural height map
Creating a texture reference object
Resolving incompatibilities using Layered Texture
Combining height maps with Layered Texture
Using the 3D Paint tool
Adjusting height maps with 3D Paint
Modeling with Mesh Sculpting tools
Modeling with Sculpt Geometry tool
Altering topology with Edit Mesh tools
Optimizing UV layout
3. Entourage
Procedural modeling with 3D Paint Effects
Drawing Paint Effects strokes
Customizing Paint Effects strokes
Customizing a Paint Effects brush
Converting Paint Effects to polygons
Controlling Paint Effects level of detail
Preparing a scene for XGen
Binding an XGen preset description to polygons
Managing XGen file assets
Adjusting XGen primitive attributes
Understanding XGen attribute expressions
Using the XGen Expression Editor
Introducing SeExpr syntax
Editing a random expression in SeExpr
Loading SeExpr scripts from disk
Binding XGen to a camera-based polygon selection
Painting XGen attribute maps with Ptex
4. Shading
Preparing an XGen scene for shader development
Shading XGen splines
Developing the look of the hair physical shader
Previewing XGen colors with a global expression
Shading Paint Effects with standard surface
Converting Paint Effects textures
Correcting Paint Effects transparency
Rendering translucency with subsurface scattering
Shading terrain slope with Snow texture
5. Atmosphere
Creating a 3D fluid container for clouds
Texturing a 3D fluid container
Rendering volumetric clouds in Arnold
Rendering haze with Arnold Standard Volume
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