Product visualization beginning to end
Exercise files
1. Getting Started
Project creation
Project review and package import
Importing project assets
Material workflow
2. Material Creation and Rigging
Creating the body material
Making glass and chrome materials
Creating a plastic material
Working with textures and mapping
Coffee maker rigging
3. Cinematography
Cinemachine and virtual cameras
Moving forward with virtual cameras
Camera transitions
Creating user interfaces
Working with interface buttons
4. Labels and Notifications
Creating world-space labels
Pivots and positioning
Label depth and the compositor
Camera-facing billboards
5. Creating Product Animations
The coffee mug animation
The tray removal animation
Production rotate animation
Coffee grinder animation
6. Sub-State Machines
Introducing sub-states
Creating the coffee mug loading sequence
Working with animation parameters
Tray removal and conflicts
Working with multiple sub-states
Connecting the UI to sub-states
Water refilling
7. Polishing and Building
Repairing animation glitches
Controlling label visibility
Handling interactions
Controlling the handle and tray animations
Creating the power and shot buttons
Creating a coffee particle system
Reviewing your progress
Building the visualization
Completing Product Interactions
(6.7 GB)