What you should know
1. Create Infrastructure Components
Creating a security group
Create an S3 storage bucket
Explore an S3 bucket
Uploading and downloading data
Install AWS CLI
2. EC2 Instances
Create a key pair
Create an EC2 instance
View an instance
Name an instance
Change an instance state
Configure Termination Protection
3. Interact with an Instance
Retrieve an instance password
Connect to an instance
Share local resources with the instance
Change the instance type
Create a new storage volume
Attach a storage volume
Attach a new network interface
4. Active Directory
Create a Microsoft Active Directory on AWS
Join an EC2 instance to a Cloud Active Directory
Manually join a Cloud Active Directory
Log into the Cloud AD environment
Install the AD DS and AD LDS tools
Create Cloud AD users and groups
5. Application Deployment
Copy application binaries to a Windows instance
Use an ISO file for application installation
Install applications from a physical DVD
Using the AWS Marketplace
6. Lightsail
Lightsail advantages and limitations
Create a Lightsail instance
Connect to a Lightsail instance
Manage network resources
Manage storage resources
Manage snapshots