Data science for marketing
Obtain data
1. Software Installation
Install R
Install Python
Install Tableau
Orientation to UI for R, Python, and Tableau
Exercise files
2. Data, Exploratory Analysis, and Performance Analysis
Overview and case study
Exploratory analysis with R
Exploratory analysis with Python
Exploratory analysis with Tableau
Pros and cons
3. Inference and Regression Analysis
Overview and case study
Regression with R
Regression with Python
Regression with Tableau
4. Prediction
Overview and case study
Prediction with R
Prediction with Python
Prediction with Tableau
5. Cluster Analysis
Overview and case study
Cluster Analysis with R
Cluster Analysis with Python
Cluster Analysis with Tableau
6. Conjoint Analysis
Overview and case study
Conjoint analysis with R
Conjoint analysis with Python
Conjoint analysis with Tableau
7. Best Practices
Agile marketing
Design and conduct market experiments
Stakeholder alignment
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