What jobs are your customers trying to get done?
1. What Is "Jobs to Be Done"?
Why do customers make the choices they do?
JTBD: A language, a method, a mindset
2. The Jobs-to-Be-Done Language
Defining customer jobs
Looking through the jobs lens
Café case study: Discovering customer jobs
Customer circumstances
Getting to deep customer insights
Current solutions, workarounds, and the real competition
Quality from the customer's perspective
Help wanted signs
What if your customer is an organization?
Building a complete picture of the customer
3. The Jobs-to-Be-Done Method
The jobs-to-be-done thought process
Talking to customers in the wild
How to interview a customer
4. The Jobs-to-Be-Done Mindset
Thinking customer-first
Four customer-centric mindsets
5. Applying "Jobs to Be Done"
Lessons learned from LinkedIn’s journey implementing jobs to be done
Creating customer-centric strategies
Creating customer-centric innovations
Building customer-centric organizations with LinkedIn's CPO Tomer Cohen
"Jobs to be done" as a way of life
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