1. Overview of Test-Driven Development
What is unit testing?
What is test-driven development (TDD)?
Example TDD session: The FizzBuzz Kata
2. Setting Up a Development Environment
Python virtual environments
Set up pytest in PyCharm
Set up pytest in Eclipse PyDev
3. Pytest Overview
Overview of pytest
Test discovery
An xunit-style setup and teardown
Test fixtures
Assert statements and exceptions
Command line arguments: pytest
4. The Supermarket Checkout Kata
Supermarket Checkout Kata overview
Setup and first test case
Add items, add items prices, and calculate current total
Add multiple items and calculate total
Add and apply discounts
Throw exception when adding an item with no price
5. Test Doubles
Test doubles, unittest.mock, and monkeypatch overview
Example: unittest.mock
6. Test-Driven Development Best Practices
TDD best practices
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