Visio quick tips
1. Working with Shapes
Restore a missing Shapes pane
AutoConnect and Quick Shapes
Dynamic grid: Position shapes on the page
Dynamic grid: Align and resize shapes
Duplicate shapes
Align and distribute shapes
Draw rectangles, squares, ellipses, and circles
Draw straight lines, arcs, and freeform lines
Organize shapes with containers
Work with swimlanes
Lines vs. dynamic connectors
Use static glue
Use dynamic glue
2. Working with Text
Add text to shapes
Move the text block to a new location
Best practices for text
3. Working with Pages
Top five pan and zoom shortcuts
Top four diagram navigation shortcuts
Create background pages for logos and graphics
Create background pages with borders and title blocks
Duplicate pages
Create PowerPoint slides from a Visio diagram
Temporarily suspend snap to grid
4. Leveraging Data
Find the Shape Data window
Utilize Shape Data fields
Run reports
Link to external data
Link data to shapes
Create shapes from external data
Update external data and refresh diagrams