WordPress: An introduction
What is new in WordPress 5.5?
WordPress: .org and .com
1. Up and Running with WordPress
How WordPress works
Install and running WordPress
The admin panel
Change the language of your site
2. Content Management
The three main content types of WordPress
Posts vs. pages
Manage content in WordPress
Gutenberg: The WordPress block editor
3. Working with Blocks in the Block Context
Create content
Create and edit links
Create and manage blocks
Block toolbar and properties panel
Change block type
4. Document Context
Publish, update, and delete posts and pages
Add categories and tags
Sidebar: The difference between categories and tags
Add a featured image
The More block
5. Block Deep Dive
A deep dive into some important blocks
Text blocks
The image block
Other image blocks
Media and text layout block
Columns block
Embed blocks
Group block
Block Manager
6. Reusable Blocks
Reusable blocks and how they work
Create and add reusable blocks
Edit reusable blocks
Create templates with reusable blocks
7. The Rest of the Iceberg
From content creation to site management